Chay Ya Austria
CHAY YA AUSTRIA is a non-profit organization for the global fight against poverty, which focuses its projects primarily on remote, hard-to-reach areas. “Chay Ya” comes from Tibetan and means something like “let’s do it”. The organization is mainly active in the Nepalese Himalayas in sustainable poverty reduction. The focus of our aid projects is on education and disability learning centers, medical care (maternity wards), waste separation, permaculture school gardens and organic farming projects, empowerment of women and girls, reconstruction after the tragic earthquake of 2015 and disaster relief.
Board Members
Sabine Klotz
Chairwoman & Founder
Chay Ya Austria
Responsibility: Project planning and control, fundraising and public relations.
Qualification: Master in International Development at the University of Vienna, has been working in the social sector in Nepal for 11 years.
Motivation: I believe in a humane life for ALL – every human being has the right to education, food, health care and self-determination! Radiant children’s faces after school, women giving birth in a clean environment with the support of a midwife, girls & boys who become responsible citizens and can make political decisions and thus change their country for the better, whole villages that have an income and healthy food through organic farms.
Katharina Becker
Vice Chairwoman
Chay Ya Austria
Responsibility: Consulting, volunteer coordination.
Qualification: Master of Arts Global Studies with a focus on Gender Studies and Human Rights.
Motivation: The wealth and security I am privileged to experience in the Global North is a product of a centuries-long oppression and exploitation of the Global South. I therefore believe it is my responsibility to acknowledge the systems and structures in place that promote this injustice and participate in dismantling them. One such possibility to do so lies in empowering the people; through access to education, health care, shelter, nutrition and employment. Through these pathways, they gain the resources needed to become active players in and for their communities.
There’s no participation without education, so let’s do it together.
Lena Pichler
Chay Ya Austria
Responsibility: Cashier, budget planning, checking accounts.
Qualification: Master in International Development from the University of Vienna, 10+ years of experience in the community development sector across the globe with a focus on women’s and human rights and human trafficking.
Motivation: I am passionate about human rights. I believe that all people are entitled to a life with dignity and self-determination. I want to work towards a world where all individuals are equal, respected and given the opportunity to maximise their full potential. I believe in informed aid that empowers people and fosters independence.
When I first visited Nepal back in 2011, I was immediately taken by the beauty of this unique country and its people. Whilst I was very privileged to meet so many wonderful individuals, I also witnessed poverty and lack of access to basic human rights, particularly in remote areas of Nepal. Here’s to working toward a sustainable and brighter future together.
Elke Reicht
Chay Ya Austria
Responsibility: Secretary
Qualification: Secretary at the Red Cross Bregenz for 12 years (also working there as an emergency paramedic), regional training manager at the Austrian Water Rescue Vorarlberg for 15 years (responsible for the presidium protocol there).
Motivation: I started volunteering with the water rescue at the age of 13 – for me it is a matter of course to do “something more” – due to my qualifications (I am among other things a lifeguard) I was sent to India and Zanzibar after the tsunami to teach women and children how to swim for an NGO. In these countries I became really aware of how equal women are in our country – for me it was unimaginable to have to ask a man for permission to learn how to swim, whether the trouser legs of the swimsuit are long enough, and so on.
In 2018 I was in Nepal for Chay Ya. Since I work as a prophylaxis assistant at a dentist, Sabine asked me to conduct dental workshops. It was important for me that we not only taught the children but also trained the teachers. With the toothbrushing models and documents, a continuation of the dental workshops in the schools of Chay Ya is assured.
advisory board
Christoph Gsteu
Advisory Board Chay Ya Austria
Responsibility: Public relations, Webdesign, IT
Qualification: Technical school for electronics and communications engineering, general nursing diploma (with special training in intensive and anaesthesia care), voluntary placement at the Dhulikhel Hospital in Nepal and at the Hôpital Protestant Ngaoubela in Kamerun.
Motivation: Since my first trip to Nepal more than 20 years ago, I have had a deep connection with the Himalayan state and its inhabitants. It is only because of our birth in Central Europe that we are so privileged compared to many other people in the world. To spend a part of my free time to help the association is for me the possibility to give something back to the people of Nepal.
Barbara Barvinek
Advisory Board Chay Ya Austria
Responsibility: Godparenthood support, Proofreader
Qualification: Secondary school teacher
Motivation: Education is a human right and every sponsorship offers a child the chance of a good education. In my opinion, those who live in prosperity themselves have a moral obligation to help those who have been less fortunate.
Regular staff
Marianne Hrdlicka
Programs & Operations Manager
Responsibility: Project planning and implementation, fundraising, project accounting and reporting, monitoring and evaluation
Qualification: Law with focus on international law, PhD (work in progress) with focus on gender equality law.
Motivation: Equality has always been important to me and led me away from the core legal profession towards development cooperation. Education is arguably the most sustainable way to support people and unless everyone can get involved, the full potential will not be realized. That is why I am particularly passionate about projects in education and gender equality. After working in Haiti and Mozambique, I am happy to be able to support people in Nepal with my work.
Astrid Brucker
Project Assistance, Donor support
Responsibility: donations, confirmations, homepage, newsletter, corrections, research, flight and visa processing, assistance with anything else that comes up
Qualification: Studied international development as EC, office manager for administration at the Austrian Service Abroad
Motivation: I think all of us in the “rich north” have a certain responsibility towards poorer countries. Unfortunately, the world is not a fair place and I am happy to be able to make a small contribution to making life a little more wothwile for the people in Nepal. Because as the band die Ärzte sing: “It’s not your fault that the world is the way it is, it would only be your fault if it staid that way”…
Fenna Niesten
Project Assistance
Responsibility: Advice on disability and inclusion.
Qualification: Bachelor of Arts in Cultural and Social Anthropology with a focus on development cooperation; Bachelor of Art in African Studies; Inclusive elementary school teacher.
Motivation: As an inclusive elementary school teacher, cultural and social anthropologist and human being, I represent human rights on both a professional and personal level. However, due to the growing global inequality of opportunity, these are by no means accessible to all people to the same extent. I see it as a given to use my privileged resources to enable more equal opportunities and participation for all. People with disabilities are a particularly important target group for me in this context, as they are denied access to education, the labor market and social participation worldwide.
Veronika Klotz
Member Chay Ya Austria
Responsibility: Organizing Christmas and spring markets. Decorating and handicrafts with students of the secondary school in Wolfurt. Assistance at beneficial concerts.
Qualification: Secondary school teacher, passionate gardener and handicraft enthusiast.
Motivation: To improve the bad living conditions of our kids in Kailali by healthy food, clean beds and clothes, as well as to give them more joy of life by giving them a great playground, sports and toys. The improved quality of the teaching also contributes to this. Make the kids smile!!!!
Doris Bauer-Böckle
Member Chay Ya Austria
Responsibility: Assistance at events.
Qualification: Qualified social workers; for more than 30 years in psychosocial fields of work; volunteer work – as long as I am able to can think at home and abroad.
Motivation: Human dignity, education and the possibility of self-determination are important values for me! Independent of gender, income and geographical location.
Support with HEART – BRAIN – HAND – let’s go for it!
Martin Hanser
Member Chay Ya Austria
Responsibility: Event organization
Qualification: Many years of involvement in the former non-profit association Namaskar
Motivation: I myself was in Nepal in 2012 as a tourist. When I got to know Sabine through a work colleague, the case was completely clear to me! I am happy to be able to organize the benefit concert in Röthis every year in December together with the cultural committee of Röthis, it is really fun! I have been a diplimated psychiatric nurse at the LKH Rankweil on the forensic department for 26 years. Happily married with my wife Renate, I have 2 children. Alice (29) has also been to Nepal with Sabi, and Thilo (27) who made me a new grandfather 4 months ago! My motivation: we are doing very well and we are in the lucky position to be able to contribute to this very valuable project of Sabine!