Chay Ya Network

The Chay Ya Family

During a trekking tour in the monsoon in 2007 Sabine Klotz, the later founder of Chay Ya Austria, Kamal Thapa and Santosh Silwal, met the founding members of Chay Ya Nepal due to a dangerous combination of rain and washed away trails. The spontaneous friendship and love for Nepals extraordinary nature, culture and people led to private aid projects in remote mountain villages based on voluntary work from all sides. After the earthquake in 2015, Chay Ya grew from a network of friends to a professional organization and Chay Ya Nepal was created. 

Earlier in 2013, Bill Keller from the USA got to know the Chay Ya team while working at a medical emergency camp. Bill Keller worked for Chay Ya as a volunteer for many years and is the founder of Chay Ya USA.

Due to the urgently needed earthquake aid Karin Gasser from Switzerland worked with us. One year later she founded Chay Ya Switzerland.

The four Chay Ya organizations are responsible for fundraising and project developement. Sometimes in cooperation with partner organisations, the local government and the population Chay Ya is responsible for the realisation of the projects.

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