Water, Sanitation and Hygiene

Our Projects

Clean water and hygienic sanitation are still difficult to find in many areas of Nepal and are thus responsible for many preventable diseases. We are therefore increasingly working to build the necessary infrastructure and offer workshops on, among other things, water, personal and menstrual hygiene.

Many water supply and sanitation systems were damaged during the earthquake and require repair or rebuilding. Chay Ya will offer technical assistance as well as training to local stakeholders… [read more]

Schools, communities and health care facilities received training and technical support for improved, climate-resilient and inclusive WASH facilities and waste management… [read more]

Karnali Province

Support of the WASH supply

11 Municipalities across 6 Districts are to be supported in improving the water supply and sanitation systems especially in schools and healthcare facilities. Locals will be trained in maintenance… [read more]

Madhesh Province

Support of the WASH supply

22 schools were supported in the expansion / repair of their WASH infrastructure. In addition, hygiene workshops and training courses on maintenance were also held… [read more]


Support of the WASH supply

12 schools in Rautahat are being supported in the construction and/or repair of toilets and a drinking water supply, and hygiene training sessions are being held… [read more]

To counteract the extreme water shortage and at the same time provide clean drinking water, pipelines were laid to a river at an altitude of over 4,300 m and wells were built. … [read more]

To improve access to safe WASH facilities for all, 26 schools and 6 communities were supported in developing plans and upgrading existing facilities… [read more]

Humla, Mugu and Dolpa are the northern most and remotest district of Karnali Province. The federal structure comprises 4 Palikas, 8 Palikas in Dolpa and 7 Palikas in Humla. All the districts of Karnali province … [read more]

In order to fulfil the obligations enshrined in Nepal’s new constitution to guarantee citizens’ access to clean water and sanitation, and to meet the SDG’s (Sustainable Development Goals) and the Sectoral …  [read more]

Development plans are a very important prerequisite for all higher and lower local governments in Nepal. The local government must develop  … [read more]

Many of the diseases that occur mainly in rural Nepal, such as diarrhoea, scabies or skin infections, are due to the very poor hygienic conditions. Chay Ya has … [read more]

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