voluntary contribution

Volunteering at Chay Ya

As Chay Ya is mainly dependent on the work of volunteers and therefore the work before and during your volunteer stay will be done by people who either work elsewhere or volunteer their time for it, we expect our volunteers to make a contribution to balance these efforts. However, as mentioned earlier, we refuse to charge you personally for our work. Instead, you can choose from the following three ways to directly support the people of Nepal and thus compensate for our efforts. It is your choice which of these three options you choose. You should communicate these with our volunteer coordinator before your arrival in Nepal, as some of them have to be carried out in your home country.

For each of the following three points you will receive a certificate or written confirmation of the receipt of the donations as well as the use of them. In the first, as well as in the third case you can decide for yourself what your donations should be used for. The minimum amount in all three cases is 300€, as this is the amount needed to finance a child in Nepal for one year of schooling. When applying, please be aware that it is necessary to choose one of the three options and carry them out. If you have any other ideas or questions, do not hesitate to contact our volunteer coordinator.

minimum fee 300€

Collect donations in your circle of acquaintances

Gather your friends and family and tell them about your plans. Inform them about Chay Ya, the project you will be working on and ask for financial support that will be used for the same project you applied for! If you are interested, you can even turn it into a small charity event, a cake bazaar, an information evening where you present pictures of Nepal and Chay Ya; or you can simply send an email to everyone around you. You will support the local population directly with the things that are needed. Communicate the collected amount before your departure with us and bring it in cash or on your account with you. Decide locally how you want to use the money and support the project.

Minimum Fee 25€/month for 1 Year

Godparents for one (or more) of our children

Ask your friends and family whether someone would be willing to sponsor a Nepalese child and thus ensure their school education for at least one year. Or consider a sponsorship yourself! Forward the information about the godparents to our volunteer coordinator, who will take care of the other formalities. Network the godparents with our organization and forward important information to them. If you can’t find anyone, consider adopting yourself.

minimum fee 300€

Organise a charity event / information evening

Your work in Nepal is over and you have collected a lot of experiences, impressions, pictures and information that you would like to share with your loved ones. Great, then turn it into a charity event. Work out a presentation, invite your friends and acquaintances, rent a community hall or a cafe. Share your thoughts, memories and pictures, let them participate and emphasize the necessary support for the people of Nepal. Collect donations and forward them to Chay Ya Nepal, so that we can reach more goals and realize more projects. Should take place in the first month of your return. Inform Chay Ya about the date and place of your event and ask for help if necessary. Invite many of your friends, acquaintances and family members to help us achieve the greatest possible support for Nepal. Since this choice will take place after your volunteering, and we therefore have less influence and control, we require a deposit of 300€ from you, which will be substituted by the final amount. If you do not hold the event, the 300€ will go to support our projects.

further Requirements

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