Central and Eastern Nepal

Floods 2024


44 Districts especially in Central and Eastern Nepal

Who implent the project


Chay Ya Nepal and local partners

Our partners who support us in this project.


Chay Ya International,
Land Vorarlberg,
Let the children walk,
Hil Foundation,
private donors

Period in which this project will be implemented.



Who will benefit from this project.


hundreds of affected families

Status of this project.




Summer is monsoon season in Nepal – from June to September, 70 – 80 % of the annual rainfall occurs. Floods and landslides are therefore not uncommon during this time. However, such unrelentless downpours drowning two thirds of the country at the same time is extreme. From 27/09 – 29/09/2024, torrential rains hit Nepal so hard that some areas were completely cut off from the outside world. According to media reports, over 200 people lost their lives in the floods and landslides, thousands of houses are no longer habitable and roads throughout central and eastern Nepal were impassable.

The Kathmandu Valley and surrounding areas have been the worst affected, with the water causing huge damage in the densely populated capital (especially in the informal settlements). But the situation is also precarious in the south and east, several people are missing and some villages are without electricity. A total of 44 (out of 77) districts in Nepal have been severely affected.

Many people have lost everything – especially the poorest are left with nothing. As always when disaster strikes, we are trying to provide the people who are most affected with the essentials as quickly as possible and are therefore once again asking for your help!

Current media reports on the local situation:



Der Standard




We kindly ask for your support:

Aid package for one family:

25 kg rice, 3 kg lentils, salt, sugar, oil, tarpaulin & mosquito net
EUR 46,- / CHF 43,-
Support for lactating mothers:

Pressure cooker, sleeping mat, baby food, blanket
EUR 35,- / CHF 33,-
Hygiene set:

Bucket, cup, soap, water purification tablets, toothpaste
EUR 8,- / CHF 7,50
"Chay Ya Austria"

IBAN: AT50 3743 1000 0032 2974

Subject: Flood

"Chay Ya Switzerland"

IBAN: CH21 0900 0000 6147 2058 4
Account number: 61-472058-4
Subject: Flood

"Chay Ya Liechtenstein"

IBAN for CHF: LI84 0880 0556 9641 7200 1
IBAN for EUR: LI57-0880 0556 9641 7200 2
Subject: Flood


On Saturday, we were able to reach 150 people in need (pregnant/nursing mothers, children and people with disabilities) in Rajdevi Municipality in Rautahat. With the extensive support and commitment of our team and volunteers from the local health post, police, security forces and other locals, we were able to provide essential supplies such as WASH kits, food and material to build temporary shelters.

Shortly before the Dashain, we were also able to support 125 families in Namobuddha Municipality in Kavrepalanchowk with food and hygiene kits. The clean-up work will probably be largely suspended over the holidays, but hopefully the roads can be made passable again quickly afterwards!


Kathmandu valley under water
October 05: Delivery to Rajdevi, Rautahat
October 8: Support in Namobuddha Municipality, Kavrepalanchowk


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