COVID-19-Pandemic in Nepal – Update October 1, 2020

COVID-19-Relief - Update 05

Unfortunately, the virus spreads quickly all over Nepal – and the official figures are not very credible, since very little testing is done. Over 2.000 suicides, countless unemployed, and entire districts suffering from hunger. The entry of tourists is completely forbidden until 2021, the nearly 2 million visitors are not only missed by the hotels and restaurants, but also by the cab drivers, guides, porters etc.

As of October 1, 2020: The total number of COVID-19 in the country has reached 79,728. According to the ministry, 1,911 new cases have been confirmed in the country in the past 24 hours. To date, 1.033,947 individuals have been tested in the country.
Of the total number of cases, 57,389 people recovered, while 509 died, the Ministry reported.. The recovery rate in Nepal is currently 72,0 percent, with the other 21,830 cases currently active (

Public health concerns are increasing with the recent rise in the number of COVID-19 cases in Nepal. To contain the pandemic, the government in Nepal has declared another lockdown to force people to practice social distancing. Almost all workers are therefore without income, and the pandemic has affected the general physical, mental, social and spiritual health of the people. According to the Nepalese police, a total of 2,218 people committed suicide during the closure (July 28, 2020).

Therefore, Chay Ya has supported those people who are dependent on a daily wage and are now starving. Chay Ya helps at:

  • Isolation centers: Distribution of protective suits, masks, patient beds, disinfectants, mosquito nets, hand washing stations, medication (more than 15 isolation/health centers)
  • Poor and disadvantaged communities: Distribution of food aid package (more than 1,700 families = 8,500 people) and to 1,000 people in the isolation centers


Our emergency aid packages for 20 Euro / 21 CHF contain the most essential necessities:
25 kg rice, 2 kg lentils, 1 liter oil, 1 kg salt, 2 soaps and 1 mosquito net

We ask for your help – please donate under the subject “COVID food packages”!
100 % of your donation will arrive directly on site!

„Chay Ya Austria“
IBAN: AT50 3743 1000 0032 2974
Raiffeisenbank am Bodensee

„Chay Ya Schweiz“
IBAN: CH21 0900 0000 6147 2058 4
Bank account No.: 61-472058-4

The latest information on the pandemic in Nepal can be found under the following links:

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