COVID-19-Pandemic in Nepal – Update July 23, 2020

COVID-19 Relief - Update 04

Thanks to our dear sponsors, we were able to provide over 1,500 families (over 7,500 people) in five districts in twelve different locations with food for a whole month (1 package = 20 Euro/21 CHF/2,600 Rupees). Our sister organization Chay Ya Tirol has received a grant from Country of Tirol to provide six isolation centers with beds (because of the rainy season, snake bite is common in Tarai area and sleeping on the ground is very dangerous), medicine, protective equipment and food for another 1,000 people.

Our friends from Chay Ya Switzerland could collect money for more than 200 food packages. Similarly, we also received financial support for Food Relief Packages from Bright Horizon and Carnevali Foundation – thank you very much!

On the other hand, the situation is far from being under control: over 18,000 cases and 42 reported deaths by July 22nd, 2020. However, the number of unreported cases is unknown – currently, more than 23,000 people are waiting in the quarantine stations for a Covid-19 test! The lockdown has now been eased, but there is hardly any work, and the airport remains closed for the time being – zero tourism = zero income. The increasing suicide rates and deaths among young children and elderly people reflect the hardship. There is by far not enough food for everyone.

Our emergency aid packages for 20 Euro / 21 CHF contain the most important things:

25 kgs Rice, 2 kg lentils, 1 liter oil, 1 kg salt, 2 soaps and 1 Mosquito net

We ask for your help – please donate at “COVID food packages”!
100% of your donation will arrive directly on site!

„Chay Ya Austria“
IBAN: AT50 3743 1000 0032 2974
Raiffeisenbank am Bodensee

„Chay Ya Schweiz“
IBAN: CH21 0900 0000 6147 2058 4
Bank account No.: 61-472058-4

Thanks to you, we are staying tuned – and helping as much as we can!

Especially people with disabilities, single mothers and families with many children benefit from our help. Our 1,000 protective suits and 6,000 FFP-3 masks protect doctors, nurses and midwives all over Nepal from getting infected with the Corona Virus – worth gold in these times!

To each and every one of you a HUGE THANK YOU for supporting the Nepalese people!

The latest information on the pandemic in Nepal can be found under the following links:

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