Good News – Cooperation with “Die Bambusschule e.V.”

Bodo Peters, chairman of the German association “Die Bambusschule e.V.” since 2006, visited Vorarlberg in June.

For 12 years, the “Bamboo School” has been committed to improving the health and education of the mountain population in Northern Laos – until recently with great success. Since the new government of the communist country makes the use of qualified volunteers practically impossible, Peters was looking for an alternative – and met our chairwoman Sabine Klotz. The chemistry between the two was right from the start, and both clubs are also working in similar ways. So what could be more obvious than working together? In the meantime, a joint MoU has already been signed and the first project decided was the construction of a boarding school for the children of semi-nomads in the Dolpo region.

Sabine Klotz is happy about the support and Bodo Peters is happy to have found new goals for money and experience instead of closing the “Bamboo School”: “Whether Laos or Nepal – we help where it is necessary and where we can be helped!

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