Thanks to you! We reached 6000 flood victims in Nepal!

Unbelievable what can be achieved in a short time if “ma zemma hilft” (= “we help together”! In the last three weeks we were able to reach over 600 families, i.e. over 6000 people, with aid packages in 15 different villages! 600 families were provided with food, water purification tablets, etc. and tent tarpaulins – THANK YOU – 100% of your donation went directly to the flood victims in Nepal! (More details in the “Vorarlberger Nachrichten” report by Heidi Rinke Jarosch).
Unfortunately it is still raining, and many people are waiting under the tarpaulins – but now at least dry and supplied with food and clean water. As soon as the tide goes back, the houses have to be rebuilt and the mud has to be skimmed off in the still intact houses.

We would like to supply more villages and are happy about donations and thank you very much for your trust and support.

Update August 2019
In the last three weeks we were able to provide more families with bitterly needed supplies and thus reach a total of over 600 families! Thanks to your support, we will be able to work together in the coming weeks to provide essential relief supplies to needy families.

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